As a quilt store owner, I meet all sorts of people...
Quilters and Non-Quilters...
Male and Female...
Kind, Respectful, and Compassionate...
and (yes!) even
Cruel, Rude, and Crazy!
It's The Good -- The Bad -- and The Ugly!
It's The Good -- The Bad -- and The Ugly!
I wanna introduce you to some of the interesting sorts
that come into my little quilt store, but first let me tell you
a little bit about Made With Love Quilt Store & More.
For many - many - many years I have dreamed of
opening a cute, little, quaint quilt store where women gathered
and shared their love of quilting, crocheting, cross-stitching,
hand embroidering, creating...and LiFe!
As women, we serve in so many positions in our lives.
We give constantly of ourselves to our friends, our families,
and even strangers we meet every day on our journeys.
As women, we feel loved and unloved,
appreciated and unappreciated,
happiness and sadness,
pride and unworthiness,
courage and fear,
confidence and uncertainty.
Just to name a few! :}
I wanted Made With Love Quilt Store & More to be a place
where women could come and learn,
where women could come and be nurtured,
where women could feel understood and heard,
where women could feel supported and supportive.
And my mission has been accomplished - most days!
There are days where I see the Good...
days when I see the Bad...
and (yes!) days when I see the Ugly!
Let me tell you about a lady I met yesterday.
It had been a long, slow (as in few sales) week.
Just part of being a business owner I'm told. :(
Saturday came around and I had a list of things to get done -
October calendar and newsletter, upcoming classes planning,
class supplies to order, and new inventory to price and get out.
Then a new out-of-town customer came in to the store.
I love meeting new customers
and learning about them and their hobby.
We began talking and she told me that the fabric she was buying
was for a La Passacaglia Quilt. "A what?" I asked inquisitively.
And she begin to tell me all about it!
--- Click on image to learn more. ---
Now while I know a bit about Millifiori (also spelled Millefiore)
and English Paper Piecing with hexagons, I did not know that this
magnificent millifiori movement was out there!
And there's more...
--- Click on image to learn more. ---
Wendy at Wendy's Quilts and More shares her journey
of making her gorgeous La Passacaglia Quilt.
And then there's even more...
She told me about The New Hexagon Millefiore Quilt-Along
using the book The New Hexagon by Katja Marek.

--- Click on image to learn more. ---
So now I've spent the last 24 hours searching
the internet and Pinterest and Facebook
for all the information and inspiration
I can found about these two quilt projects!
Check it out! You're gonna love what you learn!
blessings, denise :D
ReplyDeleteI love Wendy's quilt! Her fussy cutting is beautiful. Id also suggest TheDIYAddicts La Passacaglia Beginners Guide