My birthday is Monday...July 18th. Just 3 days away - if you count today. And today counts...everyday counts.
So I'm making a commitment...a real commitment. I'll be committed - to creating every day.
[Not to the local psych ward...] I'll make everyday count.
So I began by going back through some of the photos I have on my computer. Photos of artist/creatist that I have been fortunate to meet and/or take classes from. Kinda to get some inspiration going on here!
Just wanted to share a few with you...
A couple of months back I had the pleasure of taking two classes from Debby Schuh at one of our LSS, Pizzaz. In this class we created a book entitled "Recipe of Me". So cute!

In the other class we made this wonderful piece using a 7Gypies Receipt Holder and various papers, rub-ons, and embellishments.

In 2009 I was fortunate enough to attend Creative Escape in Phoenix, AZ. Talk about inspiration happening! So much talent there!
This is
Marah Johnson. She taught us some wonderful techniques using Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist. Inside this darling lil' box are miniature books for journaling.

Oh, I just love this artist's style. What a classy lady -
Heather Bailey. Besides scrapbooking, she also designs fabrics. Yummy fabrics!

These two lovely ladies are
Paula Cheney and Deb Crouse. They are part of the 7 Gypsies Team. In this class we made this wonderful wallhanging featuring a family photo and a door that opens for journaling.

That same Summer 2009 I also had the opportunity to attend Art Unraveled. Talk about talent galore. What a wonderful experience.
After hearing a presentation by Someguy (Kevin Kelly) who did the
1,000 Journals Project, we were able to contribute to one of several journals that he made available to us. This is my contribution. The lil' bird is something I created and brought to the event to exchange with fellow participants.

This is the man behind the 1,00o Journals Project, Someguy.

Also at Art Unraveled I was so lucky to meet
Jenn Mason. Jenn is now the editor of Cloth, Papers, Scissors magazine. We were able to preview some of her wonderful jewelry the night prior to the Vendor Extravaganza. I purchased 3 of her gorgeous necklaces made from repurposed jewelry.

One of the classes that I took was art journaling taught by
Leighanna Light. This class was my first experience with book making. I was in such awe of all the other artists is the class. There was sooo much to learn.

I have always admired soldered jewelry. This was the best class ever with the most gracious woman I have ever met...
Rebecca Brooks. Her husband was her churpa during the class.

In the class we created this two-sided piece. This is actually before I did the soldering on it.

Prior to the class we were instructed to create two collages. This is the other side of my piece. The charms eventually were soldered to hang from the bottom of the piece.
So now that I have renewed my inspiration...uplifted my artistic spirit...cleaned out the cobwebs in my soul...I am ready to CrEaTe EvErY DaY! Won't you join me in the journey?
Blessings to you each and every day, denise :D