In April 2011 a group of us from Texas that are members of the All Things Tim Yahoo Group met in Austin, Texas for our first - of many - "ATT Adventure In Austin at Archiver's". Bren made arrangements for us to have a room at the Austin Archiver's. After an abundance of emails back and forth, the day was finally here. We had so much fun getting to know one another. I learned many new things and gathered lots of inspiration from this wonderful group of talented ladies.

Standing: Stephanie, Me, Bev, Kathy, Debbie, Bren. Seated: LeAnn
We came from all over Texas - the Dallas/Ft. Worth, Austin Area, San Antonio, and El Paso.

We had an ATC swap, a charm swap, and a page swap for our Memory Books of the day.

Of course we had to stop for a quick lunch at Applebees. Wonton Tacos were the favorite.
We will be meeting again in July for another fun day together at Archiver's again. If you're down this way, give us a holler. We'd love for you to join us for another All Things Tim Adventure!